Some Friday thoughts after a particularly good journaling session this morning:
The relationship between feeling good and looking good are so interconnected for me. I started working out to feel good in my body after four years of child-bearing and recovery. The truth is I wasn’t consistent in exercise even for years before that and I noticed my sense of self begin to drift. It was so easy to throw myself into my work, taking care of my kids, and other projects that taking care of myself felt so distant that I eventually just put it last. It became a box sealed so shut tight that opening it felt intimidating and scary.
Last fall I just kind of ran out of gas for living that way. Truth be told, one of the fire-lighting moments was seeing a client of mine in a very similar life situation out there really living her best life. I thought if she can do it, so can I.
Taking better care of yourself, physically, mentally and emotionally, is the boldest act of courage and self-love you can make. It’s not easy and remains a daily decision, but I can say that I feel better than I have in a decade and growing in all areas of my life (which is the actual real good, icing-on-top, more-than-a-side-effect gift of the thing).
So if you’re reading this and feel like you could use a little boost in putting yourself first (it. is. not. selfish.) know you’re not alone and that I’m on your team!