The Thing I Almost Gave Away

I practically gave away our kitchen aid mixer five years ago. It’s a heavy piece of machinery and it’s sometimes hard to justify its kitchen real estate (especially when we were moving around a lot in our early marriage!). Someone told me to hold onto it because I’d bake more when I had kids. At that time I wasn’t even sure kids were in the future but I listened to their advice. And lo and behold, now that I have kids, spending a quiet nap time alone in the kitchen baking actually is pretty great.

Last weekend I walked over to the apple tree in the yard and picked a few and tried @onceuponachef’s apple cake recipe and DAMN. The scent of baked apple wafted up the stairs and drew my family down where we devoured half of it before it even cooled.

Here is the recipe. (Note I subbed whole milk for dark rum and was very happy with the results!)

red apples and apple cake with a slice cut out on a blue towel
red and green apples in a bowl lined with a blue striped tea towel