Shooting family sessions is where I started and is such fun. Every family is so unique and I love for my sessions to take a kind of meandering path between a few posed, looking-at-the-camera card-worthy shots and then lots of in between time where personalities come out and serious kid magic happens. One of the biggest fears my clients have is whether their kids will behave and smile nicely and I actually never want that to happen! (Other than for like 5% of the photos.) I love to see their funny ideas. Kids are insanely creative and if you let them take the lead you will go to interesting places.

I loved this fall session at Discovery Park. A word of advice: if you want fall photos, it’s best to take them in September before rainy season hits! Also, if you’re open to an in-home session, they’re absolutely magical.
If you’re looking for fresh family photos in Seattle, contact me here!