What a beautiful thing it is when your good friends are your creative community are your clients. Court Walker’s ceramics studio, Of The Earth, was the original reason she and I connected. Then, we found kindred spirits in one another as working creatives, navigating the ins and outs of running a business and pursuing art-filled passions. “Picture day” has become a celebration of the work we do every day to surround ourselves with creative energy and to invite community.
Located in the Georgetown neighborhood of Seattle, Of The Earth is a creative’s dream with soaring ceilings, a super cool loft community space, as well as all of the makings of an expansive ceramics studio. Court has intentionally filled the space with materials, supplies, and PEOPLE who contribute a glowing creative environment. This, obviously, is a total pleasure to photograph. The vibe comes first before anything, and man does that deliver here. Add in some magical string lights and west-facing windows and it’s a total dream come true. These “branding sessions” never feel contrived. People simply come to the studio, do their thing, and I watch and capture. It’s my favorite kind of branding work and there are zero mentions of #girlboss. ;D